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Scalp micropigmentation treatments are a camouflage hair loss solution for men and women!


For most treatments on men, SMP involves replicating the appearance of shaven hair, by introducing thousands of tiny pigment deposits into the epidermis of the scalp. When placed by an experienced technician, the client will appear as if they have a full head of hair shaved to a very short length, hiding the appearance of pattern baldness or even complete baldness.

For women of various hair color, or for men who are not experiencing complete baldness and wish to keep their existing hair at a longer length, the process is applied to the scalp to reduce the contrast between the scalp skin and the remaining hair.

The client usually requires 2-3 sessions of cosmetic pigmentation, each lasting approximately 2-3 hours, but time does vary depending on individual requirements. Those with bald heads will require longer sessions. The process is repeated until both the technician and client are satisfied that the semblance of hair cannot be distinguished from the surrounding real hair.

Once the pigments are deposited, the skin needs to heal. A recovery period of one week should be allowed, so that the micro-wounds created during the procedure may dry up and close while the pigments get assimilated into the dermal layer.

The method can even be adapted to blend noticeable birthmarks into the scalp.

This remarkable hair mimicking technique can also be applied to much wider range of hair loss variations than hair transplant surgery or other traditional hair loss remedies can.

From general balding to hairline recession, to burn or surgery related hair loss, and of course alopecia (most commonly alopecia areata). It can be also utilised to conceal hair transplant scars or blemishes as a result of trauma to the head. 



Generally speaking, SMP is very low maintenance. Male clients simply need to keep their head shaved and moisturized, use sunscreen when necessary and have shorter top-up treatments every 2-4 years to keep an effective camouflage.

Female clients have even less maintenance to worry about. Usually its simply a case of having top-ups from time to time, although these can be less often than for men, and where their hair loss is caused by a changeable condition like alopecia, top-ups may not be needed at all if they see a noticeable improvement in their symptoms.




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Linear strip scars are generally more ch
Scalp Micro-pigmentation #thininghair #t
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