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Color Correction


Correcting permanent makeup is like solving a complicated puzzle with many pieces requiring a unique solution for every individual case. When it comes to permanent  makeup correction the solution is not always as simple as just a laser tattoo removal, or saline removal or just a cover up, because, unlike regular body tattoo, permanent makeup is not made with ink. Permanent makeup is done with pigment and pigment particles are chemically  different from the ink particles, therefore, pigment often does not respond well to traditional tattoo removal methods.


The permanent eyebrows repair process can be complicated, time-consuming and expensive costing more than a new eyebrow tattoo.To do it right I have to pay attention to every detail, mix multiple colors, and utilize multiple techniques.  An average eyebrow tattoo correction usually require three or more sessions and much more time and work than making new permanent eyebrows. Just like its was said before, correcting an eyebrow tattoo - it is like putting together a puzzle.  


Most permanent makeup corrections require client's patience and  dedication.  
Please consider the cost of the repair prior to scheduling a consultation appointment. If your permanent makeup correction budget is low it might not be enough to finish your work.  Due to the amount time and work needed to repair bad permanent makeup tattoo the cost of repair is not negotiable. The cost and number of sessions can not be predetermined, since it is pretty much pay as you go from session to session until it is done. 



Call Us 239 227 5397 FREE CONSULT

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