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Blade and Shade


Also known as '"ombré," shading is a technique done using a special tattoo gun with specific needles to achieve depth and definition to the brows for a more natural look.

When it comes to shading, your creation really depends on the look that your client is going for, as well as how much or how little existing hair the client has.    Are they missing a lot of their natural eyebrows? Do they wear makeup everyday? Do they fill in their brows with pencil? If the answer is “yes” to any of the questions, microblading AND shading may be the right solution for your client.

In some cases, your client will want a more bold and dense look to their brows, especially if they have coarse, dark eyebrow hairs.  Your approach should be based on her makeup style but mainly it will come from what you, as an artist, envision for her. Because frankly speaking, most women don’t know what they want/need and will be relying on our expert opinion. 


The bold, striking look of the brows pictured in the examples below cannot be achieved with microblading alone.  As you know, microblading usually results in ultra natural brows, undetectable. Also, in some cases your client may only have a small patch of dark coarse hair on their existing brows that could end up looking unnatural if you do microblading only. So what other options do you have? 


Eyes and Brows
Brown Eyes

Shading the brow in combination with microblading will add density and more of a defined look. You can be creative in the way you achieve your desired look, and really get artistic to attain the preferred look.  


 Blading and shading technique is ideal for clients that:


    • Prefer bolder brows and fill in their eyebrows more solid on a daily basis

    • Have no existing eyebrows

    • Have dark coarse hairs in their brow area

    • Have darker skin tones (Fitz 4, 5, 6) and need more definition

    • Prefer ombré brows



Please click on gallery for before & after pictures
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